Robert Ashley’s latest opera, Concrete, deals with the secrets of ordinary people who are accompanied by Ableton Live. It opens tonight. Steve Smith had a substantive piece in the Times a few days ago.

Lawrence Dillon likes the cold; go over and read some CD reviews; and I’m feeling beamy these days. Or should I?

Let’s hear it for winter!

2 thoughts on “Cold Wednesday Miscellany”
  1. Chris, Ashley told me about his use of Ableton Live in an extensive interview for the Times article I wrote. There was some pride in his tone when he suggested that he must surely be the oldest user of the program.

    Thanks for the link to the article, Jerry.

  2. David – Is he using Ableton Live for this piece? If yes, where did you find that out? Given the descriptions I’m reading about the piece (see – it seems that Ableton would be a perfect tool for what he needs to do performance to performance.


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