Jenece Gerber earned a BA at Bowling Green State University (1995) in a self-designed program of study in Ethnomusicology with an emphasis in Music Composition and a minor in Women's Studies. MMus University of Akron (2005) in Music Composition. Also just a recital short of the MMus from the University of Akron in Vocal Performance. Beginning PhD work at SUNY Buffalo in Music Composition in Fall 2005.

Special studies in Balinese Music on Bali, Indonesia (summer 1993), 1995 National Winner of the MTNA/CPP-Belwin Student Composition Competition (collegiate division), member of ASCAP, SCI, AMC, and IAWM. Upcoming event: "Oregon Sketches" for solo piano to be performed at SCI National Convention in Greensboro, NC.

Currently serving as Teaching Assistant in Music Composition at Brevard Music Center (Summer 2005).

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
On the Scene

Besides hosting a fantastic summer festival and music institute, the town of Brevard, North Carolina is in an ideal location for touring some remarkable natural landscapes. This is a photo taken at High Falls in the DuPont State Forest, just 20 minutes from Brevard. A violist friend and I avoided the heat and crowds by starting our trek early on Saturday morning. Following directions given by Carol Beall (wife of the composition teacher here, John Beall), we arrived at a parking lot that was all but empty.
Perhaps it is not enough to be in the presence of some of the best students, faculty, and performers in the world. This dose of fresh air, exercise, and healthy scenery revived my sense of ease and commitment. In the "outside world" composers seem to spend an awful amount of time alone, writing at their desks/computers and/or pianos/keyboards. Here we share one lab with MIDI keyboards and computer equipment. The communal writing experience is foreign to me, at least, and it is sometimes challenging to maneuver in such unknown territory. For me, getting out in nature to hike was a reminder that even the "human world" is filled with wonder and interesting paths. A day in the wild might just be more beneficial than an uninspired day spent hunched over a computer.

An unrelated word of advice:
Those who might be thinking of pursuing the Masters of Music degree would do well to take a word of advice...when it comes to ordering your hood, be sure to insist upon the COLOR of your DEGREE, not the color of whatever college that happens to be under. For example, at The University of Akron, unless one knows to ask/demand/special order in advance a PINK hood, you would end up with the color of the College (Fine and Applied Arts...BROWN). Thanks to a fellow graduate who was in the know, I did special order my PINK hood, and even had it shipped here (so I'm ready to walk in the ceremony in August). Hoods cost too music to get the wrong color should you need it for further degrees or academic functions. PINK is the color for music!