Jerry Hadley has apparently attempted suicide.

10 thoughts on “Here’s Something Sad”
  1. Fingers:
    The air rifle WAS too lame for the job ; he suffered needlessly. Was this an unintended consequence of New York gun control? I don’t believe in suicide, but if you’re going to do it, do it fast and cleanly.

  2. How amusing of him to go ahead and die anyway, in spite of the warning from a hunting culture native that a BB gun was too lame for the job. Exaggerating for effect, naturally. I don’t watch TV or go to movies, so I have no idea what that Keitel referece is about, sorry.

  3. Zeno;

    Are there any such organizations, non-profit or otherwise, who specialize in helping especially small label artists get coverage that they sometimes so desperately need? I’m all for outsider art and all that, but it’s always better to cure someone of their ills if they need the help rather than let them produce good art and bad everything else…


  4. Mr Hadley’s apparent clinical depression aside, I am wondering whether there are emergency financial planning/financial aid services available to American musical artists (performing, creative, administrative) who find themselves facing bankruptcy, as Mr Hadley apparently was. I seem to recall that Jackson Pollack’s widow, the late Lee Krasner, organized one such emergency fund for threatened American visual artists.

    I (as must Jerry B.) also recall the sad, late-in-life, saga of Metropolitan Opera General Director Sir Rodolf Bing, who later in life was widowed and without family or close social circle, and who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for many years.

    One would think that some of the tremendous wealth of our nation’s latest Gilded Age, especially that now concentrated in New York City (and Seattle, Omaha, and Mountain View) could find homes in responsive foundations prepared to aid artists struggling with severe depression, financial insolvency, and Alzheimer’s disease.

    I too saw Jerry Hadley on some occasions, and admired his infectious joy in performing. I tend to recall most strongly his song recital programs in the large, packed Kennedy Center Concert Hall which always included large helpings of American classical music — both lighter American music, especially Broadway classic hits, and more serious Americal classical music.


    Here is a link to the new Brookings study, cited yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, showing how — as America reconstructed its Gilded Age over the past 30 years — middle class Americans experienced much greater income volatility and personal and family financial risk:

  5. I saw that movie. Harvey Keitel, right! Can’t decide whether he wants to be a gangster like his dad or a concert pianist like his late mom. Better than the French remake “The Beat That My Heart Skipped,” which I watched on Sundance a few nights ago.

    Seriously, I feel very bad about Hadley. I saw him perform a number of times–in Gatsby, Susannah, and some of that Donizetti nonsense–and admired his talent. When you reach your mid-60s like me and your friends are dropping like RAF pilots on a bad day over the channel, you tend to develop a morbid sense of humor.

    Oh, the BB thing was what we call in writing “exaggeration for effect.”

  6. As if all air rifles are BB guns. They aren’t. Maybe growing up in hunting culture imparts more arrogance than gun knowledge (and a penchant for unbelievably poor taste).

  7. I was keeping that thought to myself, but it was the first thing that occured to me when I read the details. Truly horrible.

  8. Speaking as someone who grew up in a hunting culture with lots of guns in the house, here’s a piece of advice. Never try to kill yourself with a BB gun.

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